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Friday 3 April 2009

Research Suggests Traffic Contributes to Heart Attacks


RANGERDANGER2009 said...

This is just scary, it's very interesting, and makes a lot of sense. Bad air quality + stress of driving + aggression = high blood pressure, pressure on heart, etc.

Patricia H said...

Frightening indeed but probably telling us all something we should already know. That stress added to a toxic atmosphere is not good for anyone. Yet we will continue to burn more fuel, waste more electricity and take more trips by planes, trains and automobiles. Made me think though.

Follower of Truth said...

Traffic will undoubtedly lead to elevated levels of anxiety and be a major contribution to heart attacks. So will smoking, divorce, affairs and so on. So basically live safe.

david S said...

Heart Attacks have always fascinated me and now I know why - no matter how healthy I live, I'm still as likely to get one as the next guy.

DE said...

I'm almost ready to ditch my car if this is true.

Anonymous said...


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