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Saturday 23 April 2011

Welcome to It's Up to All of Us

A HUGE welcome to the many new people joining our blog and learning about how to make a difference. This website is part of a multimedia effort to encourage greener and more sustainable forms of travelling that will have less of a negative impact on the environment.

Walking, cycling, taking a bus or train, car sharing (car pooling) or using greener cars (such as hybrids and electric vehicles) can all make a big difference to the planet in terms of improving air quality, reducing traffic congestion and pollution. There are so many illnesses now attributed to poor air quality we can all make small changes in our daily life which will add up to one big effort. This is what It's Up to All of Us is all about.

If you're going out with friends, car share because the carbon footprint of a full car is less than that of a half empty bus. If you can, start walking and cycling more to get in shape, look after your heart and also to reduce the number of car journeys. You'll always discover new things to see on a walk or bike ride that you may miss otherwise.

If where you're going is a distance away, try taking a bus or train and using the time you have on the journey to listen to some music, catch up with friends, prepare for your meeting or read a book. With your hands free from the driving wheel and no need to keep your eyes on the road, you get additional 'me time' to relax, unwind or simply enjoy the ride.

Every journey you change can help, so whether it's a daily commute or a weekly one, do what you can and help save the planet. It's Up to All of Us!

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